Berklee: Summary of My First Semester

- First and foremost, everything at Berklee is 'killin'.' There are no exceptions to this rule. If something is not killin', you wait until someone informs you that it is, indeed, killin'. You are usually obligated to agree. I mean, unless that shit is out.

- Using 'out' depends on the context. You'll know when to use it.

- Nothing ever starts or finishes on time. Except the caf.

- The caf food messes with everyone's digestive tract.

- Yeah, you have to call the cafeteria the 'caf,' the lunch room, and definitely not the cafe. That's what Cafe 939 is for.

- The convocation concert was the only place where I have experienced a near perfect audience clap.

- If I plan to go to sleep before 11PM, I'm most likely are going to sleep around 1AM or 2AM.

- If I plan to wake up at 7:30AM for a 9AM class, I'm most likely getting out of bed around 8:55AM.

- 70 degrees in December? Crazy shit.

- I don't think I ever NEEDED a cell phone, but it is an amazing convenience.

- Most of my phone calls consist of me talking to my mother, anyway.

- "Dubstep is probably the closest thing to jazz our generation has" is the dumbest thing I have heard in my entire life.

- Actually, I take that back. This is: Perfect pitch is a form of autism.

- Speaking of perfect pitch, a lot of first semester student here claims to have it. Oh, and there's one guy that "kind of" has it.

- I thought that 3 to 1 ratio of males to females was wrong after seeing so many women walking around... Until I got into one of my classes. 18 students, only two girls.

- Buddhism is amazing.

- Tendinitis is not.

- Staying up to practice all night is a great feeling. Until you get to that 9AM Ear Training class. On one hand I'm actually on time, but on the other I'm nodding off every 30 seconds.

- Bodega was hard to find.

- The best way to meet people is to go to student concerts and jam sessions. I've met tons of great PEOPLE (not just great musicians) by checking them out in action and then talking afterwards.

- Nah, man. Seriously. Tendinitis is some bullshit.

- Everything happens for a reason. It's up to you to put the pieces together.

- Daddy Yankee, man.

- I don't know, man. He said I wasn't going to make it one semester...

- I've had three home cooked meals in the past four months. And they were, hands down, the best meals I've had here.

- Wally's is a great place to play. And to learn. And to grow. And to get kicked out of.

- My definition of networking isn't taking numbers and emails down, it's friendships. I think they should be one in the same.

- If a guard watches you walk out of 270 and you come back in less than a minute later, they will still ask to see your ID. What the fuck, you just SAW me leave. CHILL.

- Taxi drivers also need to chill. Yeah, man. I know it's after 10PM and there aren't a lot of people out, but there's a stop sign there. Damn.

- I feel bad when I see people in passing and after we say hi they ask "How are you doing?" I almost never get to ask them the same because we're always moving.

- Night Dreamer is one of the dopest songs I have ever heard. Especially in 4.

- You can spend HOURS in the caf.

- Everybody should learn how to vibe. One of the best forms of communication.

- You get so much more done when you don't sleep.

- I really hate being denied a practice room with a piano because people want to practice Ear Training they've been putting off ALL week.

- I'm really going to miss convenient practice rooms with pianos when I move out of these 270 Commonwealth dorms.


- I've improved.

- The rating ensemble group I played with last week didn't think so. But it's all good.

- This next semester is about to be so killin'. Labels:


Prateek said...

1 semester of Berklee= how much time?

Syl DuBenion said...

About four months, Prateek.

TheChipster91 said...

There are guards at the dorms? What if you want a friend who is not a student to come in and hang out? Is there a way to get past them without making a fake student ID? D:

Syl DuBenion said...

You have to "sign them in," which they use so they know who to blame if your guest causes any trouble. Plus there are a lot of people around the area that would try to sneak in for food or to take a shower. But the guards take their jobs too seriously.

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